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Kategorier: mejetærsker

The CLAAS lettering is partially transparent thanks to the punched-out knotter hook pattern, the seed green “500000” stands out from the metallic paintwork of the machine.

500.000 CLAAS combine harvesters: Behind the Scenes

Harsewinkel, June 13, 2024. The preparation of the major production anniversary for CLAAS combine harvesters took more than a year. Numerous levers had to be set in motion for the global rollout of several anniversary machines.

Global roll-out for CLAAS combine harvester jubilee

More than 500,000 Success Stories: CLAAS celebrates half a million combine harvesters

Harsewinkel/Omaha/Gaomi, June 13, 2024. CLAAS is celebrating half a million combine harvesters built since 1936 - and is producing several anniversary machines from LEXION, TRION, EVION and DOMINATOR at three locations on three continents. These will be on display at trade fairs, field days and demonstrations in the coming weeks and months.

Three new five-walker combine harvesters in the EVION model series round out the lower end of the CLAAS combine harvester range.

CLAAS completes combine harvester family with new EVION model series

Harsewinkel, 18th July, 2023. CLAAS is extending its combine harvester product range below the TRION and LEXION series with three new five-walker machines. Equipped with modern Cummins six-cylinder engines and the CEMIS 700 control concept, these compact machines take performance, convenience, flexibility and durability to a new level in this class. The EVION, which is available in CLASSIC and MAX

New straw-walker and hybrid combine harvesters from CLAAS

CLAAS launches TRION: a new benchmark for the medium combine harvester class

With the launch of 20 new combine harvesters in the TRION model series, CLAAS is taking another step in its harvesting machinery model initiative which began in 2019. This means that the company has renewed almost its entire combine harvester range in the space of just two years. The state-of-the-art TRION model series comprises not only 5 and 6-walker machines, but also hybrid combine harvesters

Dansk landbrugskoncern der er ejet af 8.300 danske landmænd

Danish Agro koncernen består af en række agroindustrielle selskaber i ind- og udland. De har alle den overordnede målsætning - i et tæt samspil med kunderne - at medvirke til værdiskabende løsninger på de enkelte bedrifter.

Koncernen er beskæftiget inden for salg af foderblandinger, råvare- og vitaminforblandinger, gødning, planteværn, såsæd og energi samt køb af afgrøder fra landbruget. Endvidere forhandler koncernen en række stærke maskinbrands til landbruget samt driver en omfattende kæde af hobby- og fritidsforretninger. Danish Agro koncernen beskæftiger over 5.200 medarbejdere og havde i 2024 en omsætning på ca. 45 mia. kr.

Danish Agro

Køgevej 55
4653 Karise