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Kategorier: landbrug

 CLAAS expands ARION 500 series with 180 hp stepless top model

New ARION 570 CMATIC: the most powerful four-cylinder in the CLAAS tractor range.

CLAAS has extended the ARION 500 series with the addition of the ARION 570 CMATIC featuring a genuine 180 hp and a range of innovative functions with the focus on maximising customer benefits. The powerful four-cylinder engine with continuously variable, split-power CLAAS CMATIC transmission is also available in the NIGHT EDITION.

2 års fabriksgaranti på Bednar maskiner uden begrænsning på antal kørte ha.

BEDNAR maskiner: Nu med 2 års fabriksgaranti uden begrænsning på antal kørte hektar

The different soil conditions, farming methods and characteristics of each continent have tested BEDNAR machines in recent years to such an extent that we are not afraid to stand behind the quality of our products. As a bonus, we now offer customers a two-year factory warranty on new machines from our complete product portfolio.

Innovative Innovative new features for the JAGUAR from CLAAS set new standards for added customer value in terms of productivity, economy and comfort.

Innovative features til CLAAS JAGUAR: V-FLEX snittecylinder, ny PICK UP og CSPS analyse direkte i marken

CLAAS has raised the bar even higher in terms of chopping quality, efficiency, reliability and comfort with the introduction of several new technologies for forage harvesters. JAGUAR customers can now take advantage of new options such as the V-FLEX chopping cylinder and CSPS analysis via CLAAS connect, as well as various improvements to the crop flow and drive provided as standard.

Global roll-out for CLAAS combine harvester jubilee

More than 500,000 Success Stories: CLAAS celebrates half a million combine harvesters

Harsewinkel/Omaha/Gaomi, June 13, 2024. CLAAS is celebrating half a million combine harvesters built since 1936 - and is producing several anniversary machines from LEXION, TRION, EVION and DOMINATOR at three locations on three continents. These will be on display at trade fairs, field days and demonstrations in the coming weeks and months.

Three new five-walker combine harvesters in the EVION model series round out the lower end of the CLAAS combine harvester range.

CLAAS completes combine harvester family with new EVION model series

Harsewinkel, 18th July, 2023. CLAAS is extending its combine harvester product range below the TRION and LEXION series with three new five-walker machines. Equipped with modern Cummins six-cylinder engines and the CEMIS 700 control concept, these compact machines take performance, convenience, flexibility and durability to a new level in this class. The EVION, which is available in CLASSIC and MAX

More performance in every respect: XERION 12.590 and 12.650 from CLAAS in TERRA TRAC and TRAC versions

More performance in every respect: XERION 12.590 and 12.650 from CLAAS in TERRA TRAC and TRAC versions

Harsewinkel, 18 July 2023. With the XERION 12 Series, CLAAS presents uncompromisingly powerful specialists in the highest performance class for tractors. The two models come in above the XERION 4200 - 5000 and feature the highly efficient low-engine speed drive concept 2.0, maximum power outputs of up to 653hp, the CEMOS operator assistance system, an enormous hydraulic pump capacity of up to 537

CLAAS XERION with a new transmission generation and increased hydraulic power

CLAAS XERION with a new transmission generation and increased hydraulic power

The Stage V generation of the XERION introduced in 2019 will receive a comprehensive upgrade for the new model year. In particular, the focus is on the introduction of the new Eccom 5.5 continuously variable transmission and a new, optionally available working hydraulic system with an impressive flow rate of up to 422 l/min.

Danish Agro og Topdanmark i nyt samarbejde: Vil sikre landmænd mod økonomisk tab efter tørke eller skybrud

Danish Agro og Topdanmark i nyt samarbejde: Vil sikre landmænd mod økonomisk tab efter tørke eller skybrud

Grovvareselskabet Danish Agro tilbyder nu i samarbejde med forsikringsselskabet Topdanmark landmænd at tegne en afgrødeforsikring til at sikre mod tab i forbindelse med eksempelvis tørke eller skybrud.
Med et ønske om at skabe større tryghed for danske landmænd, der rammes af eksempelvis dårligt vejr og dermed en risiko for udbyttetab, tilbyder Danish Agro nu i samarbejde med Topdanmark en afgr

Nyt digitalt værktøj optimerer svinebedriftsøkonomien

Nyt digitalt værktøj optimerer svinebedriftsøkonomien

Det nyudviklede Grisefokus er en paraply af digitale værktøjer, som via vejning af grisene hjælper den enkelte svineproducent med at optimere bedriftsøkonomien. Virksomheden bag det nye værktøj er grovvarekoncernen Danish Agro.

Dansk landbrugskoncern der er ejet af 8.100 danske landmænd

Danish Agro koncernen består af en række agroindustrielle selskaber i ind- og udland. De har alle den overordnede målsætning - i et tæt samspil med kunderne - at medvirke til værdiskabende løsninger på de enkelte bedrifter.

Koncernen er beskæftiget inden for salg af foderblandinger, råvare- og vitaminforblandinger, gødning, planteværn, såsæd og energi samt køb af afgrøder fra landbruget. Endvidere forhandler koncernen en række stærke maskinbrands til landbruget samt driver en omfattende kæde af hobby- og fritidsforretninger. Danish Agro koncernen beskæftiger 5.500 medarbejdere og havde i 2024 en omsætning på 45,5 mia. kr.

Danish Agro

Køgevej 55
4653 Karise